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Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Ka Lamb A Tea Jane's Make Tarzan The Name Of The Week??

Asking note to letter the expression of said to dial of the star system of America in the U.S.,
a Calvary came to left and the horse stood as the pasture ran in nostril lost,
each aspect to this is the lawn's that grave a cemetery on the Trains,
for the railroad town village's to sit deed.

Shipping shore of sands waving explain,
doppler is just radar to the mental risers for aye aye captains,
for I it is the blue Whales that have swum to Bay with reach of just loving the water of brine.

Alcatraz stands The Rock as the jail in a Prison memorized,
humanity is stale to brick and mortar has be framed drugs to par,
Pharmacy once called a Drug Store,
"Do you do drugs"?,
the quest of shins that trip my brain to decades of my mother's grandfather in Training.

How does won as my mother strong be shale with such housing for so beacon on the Oregonian crume?,
sheep and equine to that Shasta that my grandfather never fished for those were lakes of Roseburg park,
missing the simplicity and those Irish eyes,
oh from the balance what is this ankle to such a start.

Deep in the division of Mankind to a country the United States of America?,
every bank is quibble the vault while in New York Norah O'Donnell is yelping,
they need "A Reckoning!!" Norah O'Donnell wretches on-air the National Media Broadcasting Station CBS,
the reaction of her now only co-host just sip's the settle to diaphragm and subbed.

Where on this Planet does no person Sea,
what is it in Washington D.C. now that parked Al Franken to hear 1965,
the Crossing?

Is it just that old rugged Cross that established a congress of where is the Liberty Bell,
cracked by what whether for certain that met toll would have had a Square in the stown,
oh for the days of my grandmother and her father too.

Another Family in a picture Portrait I strand to where is the People of kind,
first it is they come for a brisk cement that iron's your mind to a meld of electric razor,
the shift of speak said nothing,
gruff must just be like being a stone to memory of shrewd.

There frost in the ice sifting the flower of marriage inch by Feat!!,
is it a sentence that was lacking at the good old Oak on will owe drive,
chest of Crossword to the Jumangi of a theater just wreaking of why!!

Fell to the Fall Season an August by September Morning,
moving towards shaft the Miner's mourn,
Marconi in my thrust of brain to hold only the horror of this country the U.S.A. that banker's of theft.

Stolen lives at the cost of a jail's burk Ka,
is the Ma of the Feather only an Eagle,
all caps or is it the guise of just another cell phone YouTube vista on local News?,
how about Channel 4 KRON that showed on a Traffic Camera the Live Coverage,
there on an AM watch the Bay Bridge at the Berkeley off lapsed,
shot living with blocks of protecting the vehicles,
both metal and human beings,
the gawking killed by horror to just say that body flight is reality,
people just sitting with windows rolled down,
what of listening to the Road News advertised for the traffic to S.F.O.?.

Nope the hour bled the splatter still sights the spray,
did the cheese find the word,
did the channel set to the lawsuit,
does that compare,
to a dog or my despair?

Hefty Brands.

Does a nice bible chapter to your need for a Cow?,
Deuteronomy 5:7 Junks to your Golden lather,
the religions on this are dime's,
ankle deep and tired of your stoop,
we have it in our Constitution too,
Freedom Of religion!!

Does the spelling create a raft to all of your brains or is it the speech of rube,
add a Stein and beer that with a bar and the Finger grates my Cattle Guard,
in an Arizona sharp I recall only the Good Times for I refuse to style a Vesper,
I Stay Put.

My name is Karen Anastasia Placek born April 29, 1965,
A Prodigy!!

Lou Vuksinick M.D. identified me through Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children to be Genius, sparking him to exclaim to my mother,
genius prodigy,
my mother wrote the Script of my life after that shale of rooftop clamber of rein,
for it was the dear Man what shall I a stoop!!,
The Script.

Played the Harp equaled Prodigy genius and she halted-it thorough and through,
The Piano,
The Violin,
The Cello,
and that is not all AND nobody knew to protect my life from exploitation,
she continued on to find me a spot of comfort,
The Horse!!

What a relief both she and I found,
the Trainers to the Events,
and I just touch one verb to say Noun?,
please understand,
my mother returned to Vuksinick's Office before she left so that I may be a present not gifted,
that is the savant diagnosis,
my mother so proud I still feel the heat of her pride,
oh for the MGM and that day of reality theater,
as for the impact to her spacial Tart in I prose to only a video clip on you personally to see her real:

By the way,
I have four kids nicknamed The Toads,
Rebecca, Kathleen, Johno and Lauren,
know YOUR geemie from my view of being her child,
Mother fucking Idiots!!!!!,
(for you cheekie idiots my mother is the one whom fucked my kids not me, for me I got a script,lol)
just ask Chief Jerry Dyer?,
we can't because I can't have ANY PAST LIVES MEMORIES sew far?,
Threads & Silks!!

Nice picture Beck!!,
real subtle,
as for the curious and the rusty ones,
MY kid is the one in RED.

How delightful as Lauren giggles that Beck went to the

Spinsters of San Francisco Annual Ball 2017

 June 24th, 2017??

Oh from the corner laugh as yes you do look great,
Johno, Kathleen sharp the note.

Did you see that? 

The calm explore of my son shallows is drawn breadth,
for I it was the chortling of wondering does Friar Dyer find home,
in the thrush of a frog on the hoarses hoof to language more indirectly The Script as it ran out,
I know the oop's as passing life memories is of Chess to posture of my shaking shoulders,
in prose the kick in the laughter as the conversation continues. . . .

                   Johno bellows (communication returned to navigated!!)

He utters as he burps the vomit from his gagging reflex of THAT IS NOT MY SISTER in the red dress (his pale skin ankles his weakening knees),
the lilt is is now soprano voice quakes the earth and a peer quits is trust of hold,
the laughing can't be helped.

Great my you know who
never said she's a PRODIGY and took that Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children,
and then in his calmer respite,
as he goes to a more former Alto,
the Savant thing, yea, MY geemie was there so the lion roaring explains something else I just no it.

The harbor of Photograpy (loving the painted toenails) is soooooooo Professional??,
oh gee whiz Beck squawks,
it's that show!!

Gentle Kate just holds her laughing shiver as I do,
we just go wow and go on about our business,
thinking about horses and when we'll be able to see each other again?,
leave this area and get a little house just for us with a beautiful barn for our many horses.

Lauren in the fit of tangle is Proud,
she like my mother has a perfectly fit jacket,
while the growing tension said to the felt,
what is a Spinster and why would Becky to the . . . 

Spinsters of San Francisco Annual Ball 2017 on . . .

when was that. . .what about Fabian?
oh yea June,
 June 24th, 2017 is that when she still said we couldn't talk to Mom or she wouldn't talk to us?

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An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

Mr. President,

Cantore Arithmetic is able to state name John McCain.  The accusations of War and the losses that you Mr. President stated in your first[1st...

Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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