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My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Math Solved

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February 08, 2018


A line must start with a point
The circle must begin with a point to a line
I'm set at zero, I shift
Infinity is both a sign and a math equation
Pi  π 3.141
Math is Tone.

Today's date is February 10, 2018 time stamped 04:43 AM. This proof is published written and discovered by I, Karen A. Placek, Tiburon, California.  I have not included the equation as my computer keyboard is limited to a restriction of such symbols available and I do not have the ability to photo stock my written proof to this publication however thank you for your attention in this matter and enjoy the proof!!

Sincerely yours,

Karen Placek



Civil Record:
Yesterday, Tuesday, December 11, 2018 I went back to the Richmond District to check-up on my home at 22 22nd Avenue as I am still awaiting the keys.  I walked the property line and the care of property is defining it's courthouse case, the front is breaking down and looks abandoned, meaning it looks appropriate as it is tied up in probate.

I stood for a moment as I own it, my attention was drawn to two older neighbors.  I went to ring the door at the home that was full with a very funny family when my mother and I first moved to West Clay Park, currently or the last family to have lived there after purchasing it from that wonderful first family I had met was The Hookers.  Mr. Hooker was always the treasure that would troop down those funny stairs to answer the door however yesterday nobody answered the door after ringing.  I walked to the entry path and took a longing look at my home, the home purchased for my mother and I by my godparents whom had also lived there with us until their deaths, I miss them, I miss their smiles as my mother, godfather and godmother always were at the door, one of them always answered and with a huge hug about their shoulders my life was glee.

Anyhow, I took a longer look yesterday and decided to go say hello to the two men that owned Number 10.  I walked the path and noticed that there was a new concrete path to our back door and then in a sudden shock the fence between the properties that kept Number 10 and Number 22 at there property lines was gone.  GONE!! It was weird as I know Number 10 and the occupant certainly could not be those two men.  A fright came over me.  I slowly looked out as many a people steal property via fence lines, I rang the doorbell? No, it was broken and had a stupid note that said knock, I was shocked, Number 10!!  At that I knocked and lo and behold the most scandalous company answered the door, it was not those two men.

A simple announcement gives this note credence for whom cannot seem to comprehend that the front of Number 22 looks abandoned and the garden, translation, the backyard is not only well-manicured, watered and kept, it has no fence keeping the new residence of Number 10 out of Number 22.  Number 10 is practicing 'Occupy'.

The rest of the conversation was as I was speaking to a Used Car Salesman, too much information, not enough data, no responsibility and that man kept saying that he wanted to keep everything private as he went on I just listened quietly.  I explained that I have a property at Divisadero and O'farrell, 28th and California, as well as 22 at 22nd Avenue, and a 5 acre with attached 3/4 acre piece on Alamo Road in Montara that I am the dispensary-of, another words the inheritor.  The paperwork, the deeds, the lease, the Living Will, The Trust is still missing, I asked again, he interrupted and I listened.  My mind went to the terms as I know that Jim Moseley went to Hastings Law School in San Francisco to prevent this from happening.  In fact I stood last evening with the clothes on my back and this was their nightmare.  Jim Moseley went to Hasting's Law School to ensure that last nights moment would never happen. I would not be left without even the glimmer of much more than stupid hope Jim said in specific certainty, should that happen and as you can understand today I am speaking from the past conversation and as that man continued his babble Jim's conversation kept a steady comprehension of, should this moment be taking place that Hugh Meakin, Sarah Meakin and Philip Meakin would. . . .Jim went on to say that . . . .!!  The moment standing at the threshold of Number 10 gave rise to the comprehension, I was so young and I would be inheriting so much that my godparents and my mother, my mother, my dear mother had been so concerned that Jim said that he would go to Law School to ensure that this all went smoothly, he said, "Don't worry," and I never have worried about all that I would inherit.  With that old conversation running through my mind, like a comforting hug I kept the conversation with the man at Number 10 to a brief on that Tuesday, December 11, 2018, I left it at, "to me, it's stolen property, Number 22 on 22nd Avenue has been stolen from me" stating again "it's stolen to me."

After much bumbling the man at Number 10 was, well, he was just bumbling.  I just went on my way saying in my mind, "wow, I know that cars are stolen and driven away to found in funny places however I am so glad that I was not left a vehicle as that would have been difficult to find, but a house, a house can never just disappear, it can only be occupied."

For the average-reader's information, Number 22 on 22nd Avenue is actually just a 1 bedroom and my godparents and mother knew that when it was purchased for me in mind so that I would not be lonely after their death.  Thereby it answers all current standards of which I abide with via my finances, thus keeping me well within the parameters of all the United States schedules.
Fibonacci sequence following the integer series is the first line however should logic be found than the in the second line I'll represent the last two numbers that would be added together breaking that sequence and creating a repeating pattern.  The third line showing as represented, should the mathematics at the time represent a Roman Numeral as a number than the identification of just Pi (π) would be seen by designation as should the 'Parallel line' be sawn than the Fibonacci sequence would be the difference by the actual mathematics to an introduction of new mathematics(?).

1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377

1 1 2 3 5 8 13(1+3) 4(3+4) 7(4+7) 11(1+1) 2(1+2) 3(2+3) 5(3+5) 8(5+8) 13(1+3) 4(3+4) 7

1(I) 1(I)  6(VI) 7(VII) 10(X) 6(VI) 7(VII) 10(X) 6(VI) 7(VII) 10(X)Image result for Roman Numerals

Karen A. Placek
November 13, 2018
2:18 PM


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Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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