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Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Hobbit, Hello Lisa, This is Tet As In The Film: Oblivion (2013 film)!!


Cantore Arithmetic is able to help The Green Apple!!  The Green Apple on Clement Street in San Francisco has a story that involved everything opposite that balanced everything faced:  Horror.  The horror to the reality left The Green Apple advantageous as the brittle crumb that bit the piece placed such disguise that the word to reality was dropped and lies became the hat of that cookie.  As the baking sheet was my skin the goose gave rise to The Green Apple this simple yet complex reality was mine.

As King Norman’s brought Clement Street to a walk the reality based at the theater gave a seat the comfort and the strength to face the Cops at the Donut Shop on 10th.  That confrontation was glorious as the look to those two gave rise to me walking away understanding that they two loved a donut for more than a seat.  I eight it, my fist knowing of what is the direction of this madness:  Infinite?

These questions gave rise to Freckles and MY POA was my Pony of America, a real registered pony that was boarded at the Golden Gate Park Stables, I was set.  These boarders gave distance to the reality and delivered!!  To the rallies to the shows to the work the fact is the fact, The Green Apple is complete!

My first project for The Green Apple to decide as the gravity is ridiculous at heavy and as metal is light the depth is in the charge:  Flutter, The End.  Absurd is the word however parameters melt so cocoon is the web and the weave is now at the gunny sack to understand the weight as measure and that is gravity in the King James Version lest we forget the cat for the mouse in the cabinet that is locked at The Green Apple.

Now, on to the next project off the shelf and into text to ask the quest of an ended project by a man that proclaimed history as evolution.  Charles Darwin ran the gamete on a line that protagonists’ would rival for the time that gave rise to a Marshmallow Test for I.Q. and that is embarrassing.  The red to the read is a book of essence, and time is essence:  Bang.  This reality to the saying at Bill Graham and Jerry Garcia gave the Jefferson Airplane and Santana the music.

Charles Darwin has a sorted file of information that etch to draw gave paper a reason to be milled.  This industry is very well appreciated as the draw is in the mill and the grain in salt is the pond that rise to Spreckels Lake at depth:  The description of Charles Darwins’ work.

Essence the time in the spirit of his work will bring to the Buffalo Pen the hay that Park and Rec. can dismiss as the antelope are in Africa?  The Zoo dismissed Park and Rec. and I had the sign that a cop died and a road gave the cement concrete to gravel the path that the Polo Field encircled in some strange quest of everything other than the skeletal crew for the reason for the park in the first place.

Time is of essence in the mind of sum people and yet the animal is the Charles Darwin in the etch of what most consider to be a book of what is the discussion.  To continue down these isles to gain a violin at the well turned handle of the bench and pew is to discuss the pulpit at the lecture of the representation of British Government today.  Roll a wig and gain a comb to brush it out with Norman Thelwell.  The illustration to the draw left everything to time and the pencil as the eraser of the mental capacity to measure time was at the draw of sand according to the KJV.  This is strange.  Now, you do it as The Green Apple has more sense on one shelf and the door had a threshold.

To sort the cross to what is a Ross was a trip to Oregon, the end.  This avenue of reality hit The Trailways and The Greyhound and thought was left to the window that was difficult to counter as I was only a child watching the street so that I would not get hit by a car following Tamara and Theresa in there instruction left the cross to the lights.  Essence to timing!

Timing to The Green Apple is strange as getting this work to the appropriate fact of The Green Apple is not affordable as the work in itself is time.  To the garden for the reality gives hoe shovel and dig dog as words that afford text give the United States of America Freedom of Speech.

To place the essence in explanation of any Spirit is left for the distilled at The Green Apple as information is theirs’ to deliver.

To guest the help via Cantore Arithmetic is able.  

Back to Charles Darwin and now that the explanation from spirit to essence is glue(Elmers’) the process is a bit easier for The Green Apple to complete!  The most amazing sight is to see this stuff as a probability as possible is left to the fleet and that talk is just a speech in a bottle with a breast that gives turkey the idea of gobble.  Gobble this up and miss the Condor, the bird of Charles Darwin to the real essence in sight of what is difficult to put into word and I know that The Green Apple can do this with efficiency a real depth of draw to winning the Nobel.

See The Condor, the flight of the albatross as the next creature will mammal.  The three that look the most efficient to this completion go so smoothly that The Green Apple should blush as the fourth brings foundation to so much that the brain would have been the next vortex.

The wing span of the Condor to the Orangutan is the structure of amazing as next the Baboon to touch a gargantuan remainder of the scab that the chest of the gorilla’ became Pandora was a bleating as sheep herd to the shepherd making moule a word.  At that time some dude down at the Fairmont asked did you break the mold and I did not think to much as it was a ranger and I began to ignore everyone thinking why would I break the mould for cookie cutters.

Time this belt and Orion will blush and the saying to what is the palm of your hand will go viral and washing your hands as Pilot becomes what.  Now, you have a tin hat and watch the Wizard of Oz and you're off.  This was all at the song Frère Jacques:  The End.

Addendum:  Word what is to script at, two V and hat off for the explanation to or for Socrates to say school and not education!

POA Color Characteristics

POA coat patterns vary widely and, over time, some ponies get additional color. 


POA Snowflake Pattern
  • Pattern of small spots scattered throughout the base color hair coat.
  • One or two small spots do not make up a snowflake.
  • Snowflakes must be visible at 40 feet.
  • Mottling must be present and also must have either sclera and/or striped hooves.


POA Blanket Pattern
  • Basic dark body color with white “blanket” over croup, hindquarters, back (or part of these).
  • Characterized by white over the loin and hips with dark, round spots.
  • Blanket may have dark spots.
  • These spots may vary in size from tiny specks to spots four or more inches in diameter.


POA Frost Pattern
  • A pattern giving the appearance of being lightly frosted over the back, loin, and croup.
  • It is definite white hairs mixed into the base coat. Frost must be visible at 40 feet.
  • Mottling must be present and also must have either sclera and/or striped hooves.

*This mare shows both frost and snowflake.


POA Snowcap Pattern
  • Similar to a blanket displaying white over the loin and hips, but without any spots.
  • Spots appear over the entire body, spots may vary in size from specks to four inches in diameter.
  • Basic white body color with dark spots over entire body and neck.
  • A leopard is born a leopard and does not change with age unless a graying gene is present.


POA Leopard Pattern
  • Spots appear over the entire body, spots may vary in size from specks to four inches in diameter.
  • Basic white body color with dark spots over entire body and neck.
  • A leopard is born a leopard and does not change with age unless a graying gene is present.


POA White with Black Spots on Hind Quarters
  • Basic white body color with dark spots over hindquarters, loin, croup, back (or part of these).


POA Marbleized / Varnished Roan Pattern
  • Basic roan body color (including neck).
  • POAs with this pattern also show varnish marks which darker areas are appearing most often on the upper legs, point of the hip, bridge of the nose, and on the cheek bones.
  • These dark patches have smooth edges that gradually blend into the hair in the surrounding area.
  • Many POAs will show increased roaning as they age.• Mottling must be present and also must have either sclera and/or striped hooves.


POA Few Spot Leopard Pattern
  • Basic body color white with no or few spots on the body.
  • The few spot has only a few spots usually the head, ears, elbows, neck, flanks and lower leg while the majority of the body is white.
  • Mottling and sclera required.


  • A pattern that shows dark spots on a solid background.
  • This pattern must also have mottling and either sclera and/or striped hooves.
  • Not to be confused with Bend or Spots
POA Solid with Dark Spots
POA Solid with Dark Spots

POA Unique Characteristics


POA Mottled Skin
  • Mottled skin is different from pink (flesh-colored or non pigmented skin), in that it will normally contain small, round, dark spots (pigmented skin) within its area.
  • If a horse has mottled skin it's most likely to be found on the anus, vulva, udder or sheath. (It isn't found on the penis.) Many breeds of horses have specks of flesh colored skin in these regions, and this shouldn't be confused with mottled skin.
  • POAs have varying amounts of mottled skin on their muzzle, extending over one or both nostrils and around the upper and lower lips.
  • All horses have a line on the lips caused by the contrast of pigmented and non-pigmented skin. Therefore, the lips shouldn't be separated for signs of mottled skin.


POA White Sclera
  • A white area encircling the dark or pigmented iris of the eye.The same color as the white of a person’s eye, true white like a sheet of paper.
  • It should be easily seen when the horse is in a relaxed state.
  • White sclera may be considered a POA characteristic when it's not in combination with a bald face. If your horse has a bald face, the registrar may discount the white sclera.


POA Striped Hooves
  • Some POAs have bold and clearly defined vertical light and dark stripes on the hooves.
  • But because many breeds of horses have striped hooves on legs with white leg markings, the stripes aren't considered a POA breed characteristic unless visible in the absence of white leg markings.
  • Also, un-pigmented hooves on non-white marked legs.

It is possible a POA will not exhibit any striping on its hooves. For this reason, the other characteristics of mottled skin and white sclera are the primary ones to look for in identifying the POA.


POA Clusters of Spots
  • Clusters – also called mismarks or blood marks
  • Large concentrated pigmented area


POA Lightning / Feather Marks
  • Irregular white markings on the legs that do not contact the hoof.


POA Allowable White Face and Leg Markings
  • White marking on the head with underlying pink skin may not extend behind a line around the throatlatch and behind ear(s)•
  • Continuous white leg marking(s) with underlying pink skin may not extend above the top of the forearm(s) or the top of the gaskin(s).


  • Ponies with pinto or paint color
  • Ponies that exhibit any natural markings that have been altered by surgery, dye or other manner.
  • Crypt-orchid, mono-orchid or high flanker
  • Parrot mouth or monkey mouth
  • Positive for HYPP (H/H)– See Current POAC Handbook for complete details.

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An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

This Is words Washing Machine!!

Image: Archiv des Staatlichen Museums Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oświęcim   Cantore Arithmetic is able to state words world War 2[2] as words equ...

Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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