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Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Friday, April 6, 2018

The Early Scribe's Outfit :)

Before the introduction of any mathematics the actual symbol must be recognized in the aptitude.  To same the division of line to the croak (Vase) in the skate would say "toe pick"?  No, the value is of how the why came to ask even one question today in the world of philosophy? No, that would only score a Leader Board at best leaving conjecture.

To look at the above picture is a fantastic tremble to such a quake upon the human brain.  For as noted the body of Man has beheaded decor at the feet.  Now on the stream of this subject the 'Head' off the shoulders laid the "Feat" of Man marking the 'division sign' as first to the further study of a proper mathematical hall.  To add the upside, side way effect the perhaps lies in a simplicity to only introduce the Eye of Ra as a peak.

To advance thought into the book of style a good venture with the actual photographic evidence provided by N.A.S.A., it is the nifty treasure to say that the Eye of Ra is a peek into a neighboring galaxy.  Bringing in just this brief to state of being expressed, the avenue only delivers the Black Hole (Sign: Lungs and windpipe; Egyptian Ancient Language) to know that the reverse engine of a N.A.S.A. jet pilot (i.e. Blue Angels) would indeed style a greater value as the actual to Space programs as the astronaut would have brought first hand drawn.  These simple talks at my status of only being a Prodigy genius with the balance of also and/or being a Savant at a more advanced age in my life will consciously write these scrap papered notes for more educated minds to sway or absorb as theorem stretches no imagination.

In love to youth and certainly residence of mind my love lends The Cops as the Coptic Alphabet sings a buffalo pen in the Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California.  This would be comparable to the World as the Sanskrit has been the absolute fascination, for I, it was San Francisco Police sparking square to triangle.  These findings may cause laughter in the World today April 6, 2018 and that is perfectly okay for the people of the World to do however for I you will discover it is the facts that S.F.P. gave me the freedom to run with the discipline to be aware of their wisdom to my stupidity of just going to fast riding my pony (Freckles,age 3 years old: {P.O.A.}: Pony of America) on roads or trails that are not allowed.  First to fact in facing relativity today April 6, 2018 is to know that my being raised by the San Francisco Police specific took place in the 1970's (further date's held for my privacy sake) and to gain a preview of such natural studies as the above one would have to read the updated articles on the trails now available for your ride around the park.  Please take into place of thought to action of study that there was a public barn there at the time, the Polo Field was in-addition used for actual 'Trotters' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harness_racing) and the Trainers thereof.

Horseback Riding Trial Period in Golden Gate Park | San ...

San Francisco Recreation and Park. ... available at the Bercut Equitation Field for trail rides in Golden Gate Park ... Can my child ride with me (doubles on a horse)?

Coptic alphabet

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coptic alphabet
Languages Coptic language
Time period
c. 200 BC to 18th century AD (Still used today in Coptic churches in Egypt and abroad)
Parent systems
Sister systems
Old Nubian
Direction Left-to-right
ISO 15924 Copt, 204
Unicode alias
The Coptic alphabet is the script used for writing the Coptic language. The repertoire of glyphs is based on the Greek alphabet augmented by letters borrowed from the Egyptian Demotic and is the first alphabetic script used for the Egyptian language. There are several Coptic alphabets, as the Coptic writing system may vary greatly among the various dialects and subdialects of the Coptic language.



Coptic letters in a florid Bohairic script
The Coptic alphabet has a long history, going back to the Hellenistic period, of using the Greek alphabet to transcribe Demotic texts, with the aim of recording the correct pronunciation of Demotic. During the first two centuries of the Common Era, an entire series of magical texts were written in what scholars term Old Coptic, Egyptian language texts written in the Greek alphabet. A number of letters, however, were derived from Demotic, and many of these (though not all) are used in "true" Coptic writing. With the spread of Christianity in Egypt, by the late 3rd century, knowledge of hieroglyphic writing was lost, as well as Demotic slightly later, making way for a writing system more closely associated with the Christian church. By the 4th century, the Coptic alphabet was "standardised", particularly for the Sahidic dialect. (There are a number of differences between the alphabets as used in the various dialects in Coptic.) Coptic is not generally used today except by the members of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria to write their religious texts. All the Gnostic codices found in Nag Hammadi used the Coptic alphabet.
The Old Nubian alphabet—used to write Old Nubian, a Nilo-Saharan language —is written mainly in an uncial Greek alphabet, which borrows Coptic and Meroitic letters of Demotic origin into its inventory.


The Coptic alphabet was the first Egyptian writing system to indicate vowels, making Coptic documents invaluable for the interpretation of earlier Egyptian texts. Some Egyptian syllables had sonorants but no vowels; in Sahidic, these were written in Coptic with a line above the entire syllable. Various scribal schools made limited use of diacritics: some used an apostrophe as a word divider and to mark clitics, a function of determinatives in logographic Egyptian; others used diereses over and to show that these started a new syllable, others a circumflex over any vowel for the same purpose.[1]
The Coptic alphabet's glyphs are largely based on the Greek alphabet, another help in interpreting older Egyptian texts,[2] with 24 letters of Greek origin; 6 or 7 more were retained from Demotic, depending on the dialect (6 in Sahidic, another each in Bohairic and Akhmimic).[1] In addition to the alphabetic letters, the letter ϯ stood for the syllable /te/ or /de/.
As the Coptic alphabet is simply a typeface of the Greek alphabet,[3] with a few added letters, it can be used to write Greek without any transliteration schemes. Latin equivalents would include the Icelandic alphabet (which likewise has added letters), or the Fraktur alphabet (which has distinctive forms). While initially unified with the Greek alphabet by Unicode, a proposal was later accepted to separate it, with the proposal noting that Coptic is never written using modern Greek letter-forms (unlike German, which may be written with Fraktur or Roman Antiqua letter-forms), and that the Coptic letter-forms have closer mutual legibility with the Greek-based letters incorporated into the separately encoded Cyrillic alphabet than with the forms used in modern Greek.[4]

Alphabet table

Image maj. Image min. Unicode maj. Unicode min. Numeric value Name Greek equivalent Translit. (IPA)
CopteAmaj.png CopteAmin.png 1 Alpha Α, α a [a, ʔ, ʕ]
CopteBmaj.png CopteBmin.png 2 Bēta Β, β b, v [β~v]
CopteCmaj.png CopteCmin.png 3 Gamma Γ, γ g [ɡ]
CopteDmaj.png CopteDmin.png 4 Delta Δ, δ d [d]
CopteEmaj.png CopteEmin.png 5 Ei Ε, ε e [i, e][note 1]
Copte6.png Copte6.png 6 So Ϛ, ϛ (stigma) or Ϝ, ϝ (digamma)
CopteZmaj.png CopteZmin.png 7 Zēta Ζ, ζ z [z]
CopteYmaj.png CopteYmin.png 8 Ēta Η, η ē / e [eː]
CopteTHmaj.png CopteTHmin.png 9 Thēta Θ, θ th / t' [tʰ]
CopteImaj.png CopteImin.png 10 Yota Ι, ι i [iː~j]
CopteKmaj.png CopteKmin.png 20 Kappa Κ, κ k [k]
CopteLmaj.png CopteLmin.png 30 Lambda Λ, λ l [l]
CopteMmaj.png CopteMmin.png 40 Me Μ, μ m [m]
CopteNmaj.png CopteNmin.png 50 Ne Ν, ν n [n]
CopteKSmaj.png CopteKSmin.png 60 Eksi Ξ, ξ ks
CopteOmaj.png CopteOmin.png 70 O Ο, ο o [o]
CoptePmaj.png CoptePmin.png 80 Pi Π, π p [p]
CopteRmaj.png CopteRmin.png 100 Ro Ρ, ρ r [r]
CopteCCmaj.png CopteCCmin.png 200 Sima Σ, σ, ς s [s]
CopteTmaj.png CopteTmin.png 300 Taw Τ, τ t [t]
CopteUmaj.png CopteUmin.png 400 Epsilon Υ, υ u / ou [uː][note 2]
CopteVmaj.png CopteVmin.png 500 Fi Φ, φ ph / p' [pʰ]
CopteXmaj.png CopteXmin.png 600 Khe Χ, χ kh [kʰ]
CoptePSmaj.png CoptePSmin.png 700 Epsi Ψ, ψ ps
CopteWmaj.png CopteWmin.png 800 Ōu Ω, ω ō / o [oː]
CopteSmaj.png CopteSmin.png Ϣ ϣ
Shay (none) sh / š [ʃ]
CopteFmaj.png CopteFmin.png Ϥ ϥ 90 Fay Ϙ, ϙ (koppa)
(form, number)
f [f]
CopteKHmaj.png CopteKHmin.png Ϧ (Ⳉ) ϧ (ⳉ)[note 3]
Khay (none) x [x]
CopteHmaj.png CopteHmin.png Ϩ ϩ
Hōri (none) h [h, ħ]
CopteJmaj.png CopteJmin.png Ϫ ϫ
Janja (none) j / dzh [dʒ]
CopteTSHmaj.png CopteTSHmin.png Ϭ ϭ
Tshēma Ϙ, ϙ (koppa)
q / tsh [kʲ, tʃ][note 4]
CopteTImaj.png CopteTImin.png Ϯ ϯ
Ti / De (none) ti / de [ti, de][note 5]
Copte r barre.png Copte r barre.png 900

  • In Sahidic dialect, it is [i], while, in Bohairic dialect, it is [e].

  • The vowel /uː/ is commonly written with ⲟⲩ not alone.

  • The additional letter xai is in Akhmimic and in Bohairic, both for a velar fricative /x/.

  • Some scholars constructed its pronunciation as [kʲ], while others as [tʃ].

    1. In Sahidic dialect, it is [ti], while in Bohairic dialect, it is [de].

    Letters derived from Demotic

    The following letters were derived from Demotic:
    Hieroglyph Demotic Coptic Translit. (IPA)
    Demotique sh.png Ϣ
    sh / š [ʃ]
    Demotique f.png Ϥ
    f [f]
    Demotique kh.png Ϧ
    x [x]
    Demotique h.png Ϩ
    h [h, ħ]
    Demotique j.png Ϫ
    j [dʒ]
    Demotique tsh.png Ϭ
    q / ch [kʲ, tʃ]
    Demotique ti.png Ϯ
    ti / de [ti, de]


    In Unicode, most Coptic letters formerly shared codepoints with similar Greek letters, but a disunification was accepted for version 4.1, which appeared in 2005. The new Coptic block is U+2C80 to U+2CFF. Most fonts contained in mainstream operating systems use a distinctive Byzantine style for this block. The Greek block includes seven Coptic letters (U+03E2–U+03EF highlighted below) derived from Demotic, and these need to be included in any complete implementation of Coptic.
    Greek and Coptic[1][2]
    Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
    U+037x Ͱ ͱ Ͳ ͳ ʹ ͵ Ͷ ͷ

    ͺ ͻ ͼ ͽ ; Ϳ

    ΄ ΅ Ά · Έ Ή Ί
    Ύ Ώ
    U+039x ΐ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο
    U+03Ax Π Ρ
    Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ϊ Ϋ ά έ ή ί
    U+03Bx ΰ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο
    U+03Cx π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϊ ϋ ό ύ ώ Ϗ
    U+03Dx ϐ ϑ ϒ ϓ ϔ ϕ ϖ ϗ Ϙ ϙ Ϛ ϛ Ϝ ϝ Ϟ ϟ
    U+03Ex Ϡ ϡ Ϣ ϣ Ϥ ϥ Ϧ ϧ Ϩ ϩ Ϫ ϫ Ϭ ϭ Ϯ ϯ
    U+03Fx ϰ ϱ ϲ ϳ ϴ ϵ ϶ Ϸ ϸ Ϲ Ϻ ϻ ϼ Ͻ Ͼ Ͽ
    1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0
    2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points
    Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
    U+2CBx ⲿ

    1. ^ As of Unicode version 10.0
    2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points
    Coptic Epact Numbers[1][2]
    Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
    U+102Ex 𐋠 𐋡 𐋢 𐋣 𐋤 𐋥 𐋦 𐋧 𐋨 𐋩 𐋪 𐋫 𐋬 𐋭 𐋮 𐋯
    U+102Fx 𐋰 𐋱 𐋲 𐋳 𐋴 𐋵 𐋶 𐋷 𐋸 𐋹 𐋺 𐋻

    1.^ As of Unicode version 10.0
    2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points

    Diacritics and punctuation

    These are also included in the Unicode specification.


    • Normal English punctuation (comma, period, question mark, semicolon, colon, hyphen) uses the regular Unicode codepoints for punctuation
    • Dicolon: standard colon U+003A
    • Middle dot: U+00B7
    • En dash: U+2013
    • Em dash: U+2014
    • Slanted double hyphen: U+2E17

    Combining diacritics

    These are codepoints applied after that of the character they modify.
    • Combining overstroke: U+0305 (= supralinear stroke)
    • Combining character-joining overstroke (from middle of one character to middle of the next): U+035E
    • Combining dot under a letter: U+0323
    • Combining dot over a letter: U+0307
    • Combining overstroke and dot below: U+0305,U+0323
    • Combining acute accent: U+0301
    • Combining grave accent: U+0300
    • Combining circumflex accent (caret shaped): U+0302
    • Combining circumflex (curved shape) or inverted breve above: U+0311
    • Combining circumflex as wide inverted breve above joining two letters: U+0361
    • Combining diaeresis: U+0308

    Macrons and overlines

    Coptic uses U+0304 ◌̄ COMBINING MACRON to indicate syllabic consonants, for example ⲛ̄.[5][6]
    Coptic abbreviations use U+0305 ◌̅ COMBINING OVERLINE to draw a continuous line across the remaining letters of an abbreviated word.[6][7] It extends from the left edge of the first letter to the right edge of the last letter. For example, ⲡ̅ⲛ̅ⲁ̅.
    A different kind of overline uses U+FE24 ◌︤ COMBINING MACRON LEFT HALF, U+FE26 ◌︦ COMBINING CONJOINING MACRON, and U+FE25 ◌︥ COMBINING MACRON RIGHT HALF to distinguish the spelling of certain common words or to highlight proper names of divinities and heroes.[6][7] For this the line begins in the middle of the first letter and continues to the middle of the last letter. A few examples: ⲣ︤ⲙ︥, ϥ︤ⲛ︦ⲧ︥, ⲡ︤ϩ︦ⲣ︦ⲃ︥.
    Coptic numerals are indicated with letters of the alphabet such as for 1.[8] Sometimes numerical use is indicated with a continuous line above using U+0305 ◌̅ COMBINING OVERLINE as in ⲁ͵ⲱ̅ⲡ̅ⲏ̅ for 1,888 (where "ⲁ͵" is 1,000 and "ⲱ̅ⲡ̅ⲏ̅" is 888). Multiples of 1,000 can be indicated by a continuous double line above using U+033F ◌̿ COMBINING DOUBLE OVERLINE as in ⲁ̿ for 1,000.

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