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My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

"Follow that will and that way which experience confirms to be your own." - Carl Jung

Written on October 18th, 2016 at 5:27 am

The deepest vein in my body to the foot saw at the desk of my youth,
to my mother and the bed limb at fare in Massachusetts main,
as the dust jacket to the kid as I in the stance of what authorities do to your lawn,
in clover of the bells.

Risen I to this ample of curse as the done by chorus of many religion claw,
the hook of that scene to the night of horror my mother suffered in the reality of worn like a bleed
I say to those of caliber to that rifle not one of you jaw to the nightmares driven,
since that to this the shore of the life that went from the date to this draw.

I harbor still the vacancy of people that silverware at the full set of dimed,
to know of your deem of absolute I freeze in thought to only you and your ignorance to life itself,
for in the years of m life to etch only this as a tablet to the glass of fright in an eyes window,
the blink you gave to I in opera gave gears to suppression of the prejudice you skied.

From I to your entire Massachusetts lane I give you a kids formal on what you could never sty,
the gravel in my blinking to watch the timex on my lie has been a battery of never done for the energy,
to eyes on the bouncing judgment you set the shift to I in an on-going fear of just being alive,
that stick to the car and drop at the airports tram just started it and it never ended for your mechanic’s by designation.

I know that in the body of your feet the grapes of your language,
the utter of each style of that bearing the compass to now,
the writes I hold,
the idea’s of any to the choice of knowing a freak I am and you met the train that engine my silence,
today as I see the cart of your sorted.

To I as the rein to my challenge,
never in these trails have I gone to  this a supplication to what you in shallow did as my death,
to jams and peanuts your scale to shirt grounded my sake to the quietest level of always rate.


Written on October 18th, 2016 at 9:31 am

The terror of a single night in my life,
brought streams of soaring this world with absolute in the sheer,
men coming in the night on the women’s reaming the doors touching the in a clear,
close your eyes for the mows meant to scour you of any safety ever in your shined life,
gulp this verse to the depth of I the three year old on a sickened whelped plan of Massachusetts limbers,
the tumbles of my life on every corner,
as I from the city of sin.

San Francisco on the 1960’s Hemming Way Terrace of a global ripping,
the tides would rise each time I saw the scope of hatred of outside the city lands,
as each word today is vapor to the smoking pot,
as those hands have reached in my inner piece and torn  the waves to title.

As any violet would tulip,
to say that shores don’t matter in this country,
fry that to the French as the kissed of death in my little life on this world of Christian sums,
should the event gather a crowd than the gallop is to tromp the shed to shredders,
as the eh to a slash on my chess par to the done of October 18th year of who really art’s a tall.

From 815 to the sound of this countries said banking ankles,
people garb such lies that the gutters would leaves law to the stride of dead balls that ping to graved.

The political operation of families to the call of the FBI and the CIA at the mkUltra bra crypt,
dank throws hours at the diner to good coffee,
grind it in the minds of every sake that took what barn to tide that rose these trails to your now.

May you know the terror that all might’s filled as the sun winked my fear to blanket silents,
as not one person in my life can fathom the detail of in knee at the price of religion and its cost.

May all of you have your God at your Villa,
mall your heavens be the threads to your everlasting life,
and may this memorize you in eternity,
may you strike such a lucky key that death meets your challenge,
may you delight in infinity and may you live in freely lifted for every always in absolute scene.

For the nail in my palm may I free to my home just the pass of what is not a minor degree?,
may we find that separation finds our paths in this fair of difference,
may creation by design put to license the planet as our grounds of divide,
may no harm or bad felt pass to either or each of any that has brought such sheering to my life,
may this be the description that exits our paths in order.

For the face of reflection may I find that reason is the depth of an ocean and the waves be my lean,
in the storms or the lull might I find that a singular grain of sand salt my tear in memory of this life on the talls,
may humanity get all it requires to find happiness in their expectation of life’s successes,
may that be the formal of our time to the Ages as the Ages in the timed.

Written on October 18th, 2016 at 1:41 pm

Not one person ever puts to the place of system the exhaustion of constants,
as guard to the bare role of my nigh in actual,
the ever present aware to the surrounding is of great shall to my walk??,
as to say that advantage now is vista??,
to be on the attempt to have written the non-fiction to overcome this life on the queers,
so that I may walk and not jump every lump in my throat to the on-going Christian lakes of chorus.

Their filling of gossip to the demons of what??,
the never-ending truck of this hitch of lived is as the depth of fathom ever-Will,
like the loft of a journey that banks form San Francisco,
throw in the 1960 decade and Up goes the whelp to wow,
as to said lets see the 1970 Jesus Freak movement,
the bowels of those Exorcists that trucked balls with a yuck.

To be on these grains of barf in my life is just that it’s a lane that most never seen,
in the movies on the theater sure the public bra’s,
vomit in real life and the movie don’t got strife,
as Dave still charms my brain in that furrow,
I just say to myself that people are the crowd,
wilding in for gossip or the rape,
to fuck for the story and to go to Pizza Parlor’s all for the lode??,
sadly it all really just happens,
bummer, yeah.

'Cause once the parade was in the fare of at the presented side,
the process found a darker hour to each and ever striped,
first the happy speak a shucks then it up's the priced,
just to say that demonic reeks to reading different buy's,
that bone of fragment of the shards to lungs that grasp the bog,
for on the temper of my family the story board of glued,
but that's okay I go along for Onward Forward is my know,
an Officer a horse and the Fountain showed me hey and that saved more than day,
it gave my life the discipline to feel pain and know the blink to not deny the truth,
that Officer gave cadence that today is what's a route,
from that to hear my words are clear and should your eyes go dried,
than dab the fact that your life is packed for every person Wells,
its just that my pale verse may drive your stomach to perverse because Christians never learned,
that what they do does kill the shoed and suicide is murder too.

My best friend was tortured from and grew to know that blocks are burns,
a per happened to his life as what did happen made me rice inside my brain of mind in signed,
the story that the told told me I thought to silent’s on that day,
in done to speak in stunned to I it makes these proverb to a loud,
for might the day of reason come that people understand this drum,
look to eventing as a template to the time it takes for ankles blanket,
to those horrid things that fray to society on awful played.

May at lease these cent tents pop,
to more than teepee or forgot(s),
shall this flour of expressive grown,
need the plenty to the tone,
of looking past those great ole plats and might they see the mountain facts!!!

Desta and that Kent at strum of such guitar I had to sung the sickest bean of grossest span,
that beacon still does light this plain as what those shoulders did in pitch,
as that church rum drank it sole,
I nearly fell from old time form that brought made fuzz the broth of tilt,
to make me now say what’s a built,
the shores of slides or homeless tread,
but till now the popular bunks to just the devil gots a trunked,
that out shouts Christianity to bank the teeter totter swear,
turns to eye^ole winks a card than off to speeches bible Fed.

It all adds up to over topped,
yet should the average per sun truck to more than it’s a shame,
than our country may just learn,
that religion kills and burns,
the brains in matter the method subjected to the Biblical era putted.
(At least to me it was in Dave's case.)

Written on October 19th, 2016 at 6:58 am

This is to all the Countries that use Americans as the clogs to and for their boys to method system of insert the rooster shaft,
the gears of those Middle Eastern shingles send their cent beef to prince-out their fathoms on chiseled??,
barf that to the tree vine's that have for trotted no bulletin to etiquette on a simple brief to the shore,
as the U.S.A. Is galloped from to back to the countries and then those Providential chair^ribs are oh so tum,
as if to say that the kings and fathers and mothers don't know the gearing of in^gin to these glass cyst.

Form to that is that literature on the American is darkened,
should we the people carriage at walk any walk to those countries over brinks,
the banks of the Nile raft rust to the just hello as an offense to the defensive rack of our crawl.

Therefore the foreign government of families like Blunts' sent bare^role the dipping sync to rock in role's coverage,
than just as that bink James he gross profits to the oh such sanctity of his hymnal mare^ridge,
without concluding the well dye to his cock of a rooster bean that has grave shined the American lathe,
for that the World just sends more Prince typage to bank the verses as talk for the rest of their boring lives,
that pathway particle in their brains is able to enable their fart shifted tangled lives with infamous dialing to tell a viced.

Short ribbons to Oak Visa eh V??,
dark hour money on this write of never hitting the floor ride of fudge and neigh^oles,
forest in the Miss^Tour^Read??,
wise is the bother of whom would have bothered their library candor with character a How are choose!!!

Choice being that mechanical technique to communication of Awl,
the scope of drink??,
the Wash^EAN^Tin of what is a mouth of language to the speak of a Speech is gasp??,
for on the liberty of the Bell in actually cracked,
the encyclopedia is why did not one person bronze the reality of the Liberty Bell with a mend Mint of element??,
in traveling journal to the logic of ring,
what is the car of a tune should the share be on continual for the take and not the receipt??,
reality for the persons that have stride to just do as has been harp??,
a sand deed pay per the drive of screws with the bolt action reliever to not be on the Tonned of what is a thought??

Philosophical or psychologically the degree is of grade to the pitch of the land,
should the mountain just shed all of the weather that Peaks is what is achieved,
as the wave of grace is lost a beautiful view is gained,
for the process of that is evolution,
those storms that bring sharper points to the driving conditions of storms that parade to harnessed,
so grand the Canyon of the Snake River as a living breadth to how these charms communicate truth.

The compass of dams to that well deep of people on bridles and bits to reins that hame a fed grained. (?)

Written October 19th, 2016 at 11:35 am

The media on the month of Ten Nineteen and the Third realm of what's a Read,
far Out man to the blah say of truth at whom when's the duh^Bait??,
Las Vegas at Host^sting,
the venue of the slot machine,
the table on sew threads,
that technical goes to the High is biddered??.

Down goes the race to the gamblers and shovel,
the tools of more than the Republican can Bar??,
that venture capital??,
the games of the World's as to speak of the Wine nur's to trumpet the horns at the flute,
to organize those boards to the system of mat^ticks,
as the wrist gums the mitts to the advance of Wall Street and all them there Tugs!!!

What a farce to not report the operation on the Media of National faces,
to fiber and silks as if they don't positive the breeze in the Casino's on the spelt,
to disguise such behavior is indicative of this Country and the blank_it's on that word shorn,
to sheer the American while producing the score to financial and bogus'ing the News to average a paid.

This in tire appearance this AM on the MSNBC perk a bored put to embarrassing jabs,
that chairing of the XX fact tore to the dress of what is in the 'til,
so as the sample to the World on what is on the choice,
our Country in this horrid depth is fathoming a bet,
that the Mild form is besting to closets on the thrusts??
for should the media being doing Jobs the writes would be in be to simply doing more than just a barren ski,
so that the audience would put to think the length of time at been,
than on the aspect of reporting the debate would carriage interest to this Country and it's reason for the democratic business,
or something better said than I can put to the plates of this writ in more than just a Tunk.

Written October 19th, 2016 the third debate of our Presidential candidate's brought thought to the said on 'With All Due Respect' and the mores’ on the Heilemann pasture of/to his palm to what he actually did during an interview with the Republican Candidate's strategy person on perhaps the unseen posture of his chalk thoughts!!!!!. 

The time is 2:44 pm

The fact that the democratic base is of this country on a debate to the poker tablet of society,
that is the role on the Junk,
as the slow to the next campaign rally's a posture to the money in the capital built off this sheer,
to that is the lost??,
it is the providence of the shores that are building off the Flat World reeking a cent??,
well in the depth of that gear to the lathe commercial of the Republican Candidate's fare^row^when,
at that is the Jobs on the technical of the mechanical rev as the in^gin to what is now the buoy,
off to that is the races coarse as the American will venue to the adventure without today as a wise.

In actual float is the corporate on shore accounting to the Wall Street bell of history,
ask not not what a fathom can ring to this now on the October 19th, 2016 to the baited hook,
as the shipping knew to the Media would at-will in-hand the dice to the butchery of block,
in apron the cause to tick a speak would provide the Order,
the Menu a beautiful stake to the mash as the pot at the drug priced in Fixture scone sing!!

Bummer that the grouper's of fish have tackle yet the box of gear is lop the see with a dumber pit,
to business of what is a pole or in that pole lean to run the scratch of liberty to the for year of beanery,
the coffee in the grind sew to spoke as the hub Bull will vice the U.S.A. Touching echo??,
nigh the dread of raking to the leaves on this policy of campaign strategically platter rung,
peeks and Narrows at the venture,
the stock bare^roles as the plumb,
to that the Spring roster to what is a nub,
the structure of the letter to have a stamp that would make a Post card more than a rubbed would have been,
for I the bean have halted the out writes to this closed cabinet of reality,
as being a savant genius the decision came by ways and clarity to how I have been stretched to only a lamp for public,
the at-large of my very own country has just put me in the barn,
but that is alright as the Officer and that horse of his will grant I the best of show,
eh company!!

private smiler:)
Written October 19th, 2016 at 3:39 pm

Watch the think on that stage of Venue to the menu brains of the world's tribe to tacked,
the portion off the sluff will bring letter to the disk as the paper pastels of the paints jostle,
the hoist will bevel to a grass fleet of slippery winking springs deny yawl,
in twice the dice will slop to the situation shroom of been kneeing as the shot bled baked,
inch that to the rules of regulators on a once in a miled,
that special will when again to bounce scene kneeing!!

Just as the gay^ape of a Another Warred's to a banking Stile,
the in and ouster to route the knews Pay per happened,
in that is the Cat a Trop pick!!

Like a Hooker in the House of Congress to stick a key as a bill in the progression,
as the depth to knot as the no^Wean beacons,
the ship wilt discuss,
oh for the rare at a try, they^lull scream.

Against the odds to even the stripe's in a country not doing the add DISH shinning,
oop's goes the tongue's on the traces as a harness describe for this riddle now on lead.

Taught to be of silent bye this country of my own berth,
I reserve in privacy for record of this earthy grounds,
no grind required as the lyrics in the National Media has laughed out a hat to deck a Sure steel,
pounding to pence the raise of the all caps to conversation putts a peel,
the orange ripens the apple to what is a Wig,
the dress for the suit tore to a jack^coal,
the writing is all-over the now T.V.,
a chained to the hike on that Bloomberg politics for the Keene,
forest in the Meadow the see is saw,
from I to the silent Windows of my laptop Computation,
this edition does not divide an edit,
it is just the reality of a country that has trialed I to the pattern of many a brings.

For no hell I just place this to form as method,
the off chance that a Man or Men will event a Hello,
for this I write to them,
for what is a mind without regard for the person that it is attached??

For me it is witness to the being used on my blog shores,
to see the adventure as a learn is to say that I did not math Tesla or trail Vuksinick on advised,
from that to this date and time origin of his hymn of raised,
the facts oar the facts to what is a verse to the tack,
the bridle.

Written October 19th, 2016 at 5:21 pm

The lava lamp on the rise touching a memory of the echoing history of a rafter on the stride to that sole,
in an ankle of stripes and stars the golden gate parking of the haight,
to dive in the thrush as the absents of adults to the 1960'2 in the sum more of love gave brake to I ,
in that is the chart of carrots to the barn of wise as the Wisdom of an Officer and his horse in a silent speech,
the bridle of such in the reins on my life in the bits??,
no it gave the lyrics to a stride that has always held a cadence to safety,
no why needed as the 60's in that arch was trotted enough in the city of my birth,

As I recall a Chess Game,
its the vista of a twenty/twenty in the write and the spelling to gauge these sorted fill in's to chorus??,
well in those deep Wells,
a deposit for the pale on the seen has grasped my ways to Means as the fountain and the rippling torn,
many a people gave to a Time in the Ages that reminds me of now,
the throw up the strike as a Key and drive the gears to strip,
what is the thorough bread to such a Twinkie in the nostril of Humanity on method??,
the answer in the Quick or is it the Fix??

Straddle the question to the horse of see saw and it banks to money on the belt,
as the rubber band of Shell to the gasoline of persons on the what seams,
threads going at trending the new vernacular to the clay,
in dirt raking the country has found a like in to the harnessed screen.kneeing,
compelling their minds to brains as the skull and Cross bones venture a Cross to hunger the came's.

Quire that width to the hymn^knoll and the vs. would dock,
as the pier grains to language,
the word on the Latin to touch a bring to letters at the lift Toll,
lean an Ashbury while the streets corn,
toss the spoon as a curdling,
the milk than moves to the chess Tour field??,
not should the vile still be framed to bent brought Vlad dough in pause,
the shirts would still Scale a sheet to value the bridge on cheese to ladder day Seeds.

As in the contemporary Artistic to the E!^sole,
the timing will naturally ranger to of^Ven. As the that staffing crutches crunch,
the peanut Brit^dulled with accent and Punch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The drink of Abstract.

Posted April 8, 2018 on my blog (blogspot.com) An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

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An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

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Image: Archiv des Staatlichen Museums Auschwitz-Birkenau in OÅ›wiÄ™cim   Cantore Arithmetic is able to state words world War 2[2] as words equ...

Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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