Hi, where are you from?

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Book To A Chapter To A Write Off-line

 Image result for Clip art the mural of Dust

October 27th ‘the day of…’

To discuss a distant call on the facts is to remember only the truth on how life has grown to be more than what is seen by any human being.  As much has been cast upon my hand I know of the facts and thereby truth.  This has proven to be beneficial as I have found no guidance or compass that is a bearing to say that lies have become truth and truth has been just a view as an overlook. To be finally able to understand the depth and scope of such I have decided to write more on subjects that will benefit only my hand given to me at birth and the growth from that point to this date of October 27th, 2016.  The agility to even obtain private thoughts in this world now is and has been difficult.  Right now the internet has no protecting devises to stop what are being called hackers.  This is the computer/laptop that provides a greater freedom as the connection to the worldwide web is easier to control, this is a much older computer and runs the programs of the 1990's.

A book that I will title ‘The Clause of Mind’ is my next endeavor to comprehend and communicate the following in more than I have written thus far in life.  It will begin by how each word that is spoken, written (texted), etcetera is in effect either the destruction or construction by design that puts deed to the synapse and therefore a map of thereby a course bringing knees to humanity.  The width of mankind has halted a walk down this old memory path and the trying Times of Ages in dark letters on recorded history.  Humanity now once again has put to habit the computer only as a knowledge card.  This method of system is the slate holding their chore of synapse or possibly better said their natural human mind in lieu of their origin to source, the brain.  Society has nearly lost the ability for simple communication at any venue of write, not to mention simple directions or the famous getting lost and being able to find your way by asking or natural signs of which way the wind actually blows.  Writing has gone to scattered use of the alphabet as letters and the decoding mechanism is left.  There are no dictionaries or easily available programs to decipher these new words that spell.

In note to self I am feeling once again as I am recording the hammered dust of the chisel at an Egyptian Wall.  I stand in stead with the same in exact and yet centuries between?? No, it has been quite literally thousands of years as history dates those very same Walls at least four thousand years old.  Oddly the event of cause remains to be the same.  Society is not even straining on the gears of such a repeat, as a result even old saying come to this arithmetic of happening in a division of multiplication of what mankind has done to and on this planet.  Earth is in trial of great disease.  The weather is again on a weave to the process of special stretch delivering more oceans to land. The massive detail to include cities that refuse to either plan, or worse, the people refuse to move their residence and or their Goods to accommodate this change.  As I am family familiar to nature on her adventure of the melting ice caps, it proves to be always an exciting charm that changes her hems.

For the writes that have delivered more in the riddle than one would have expected, I will include in this the wicked clauses that have true compasses to navigate a private study.  As I have no guide to now I am on the script of Tells.  In addition, great fun has been had by these parades of streaming my conscious.  I believe that just in naturally writing I have enabled my own mind to graze a pace that delivers more to a naturally fitting girth.  As I decided at a young age that I am on a need to know basis only, perhaps this is the natural function of the mind of a genius.  Without further ado!!

A note of relativity from history the in actual,
math to a light bulb of what Reel,
film to know Kodak Events at Spanned knowing ‘as ton’,
emotional Pharaoh’s this world as America goes to literal whirled,
society at a civilized bowel loon.

The Country of such duct skirts in habit spill a phew at cost,
priced once the platters rocks,
at process the shale shifts,
gears go.

Shore Field to brief as Quark Slubber not the Energy Core,
the tunnel of what is movement in Time and Space,
these answered questions problem route??
Mankind has literally erased by chisel shards allowed,
War Crimes to World Heritage,
dynamite residue now on the chalk of lakes,
the rain width will rise to say it talked.

A simple resident of application on the Worldwide Web may have put to thought the hash tag as a Tell.  Formerly known as the pound sign, the crossword puzzle would identify it now as a signal to sync; tictacktoo (Webster's New American Dictionary 1959 Books, Inc.) would suffice.  The signal being on (#) a game of nobody wins once the game is learned and in such the age of which that particular game is no longer played is found in childhood.

(Written last year 2015 on this computer)
The desire to become the determined in a life filled with character of said is the start of understanding comprehension of addition to the subtraction of the sleeves that brought slate erasure to my life.  As a Human Being born into the human condition within a World of closure has and did deliver a serious port upon the cork of thought to this walk.  People of each surround since my sorting of file memory of past lives to counter have been chalk full of ignorance with the spice only showing denial for new idea’s of forward thinking.  Growth has been banked in vast depths of lies inside the Human Being.  Their constant embrace of mirror has brought to their mortal compass very particular options which in turn for the most party subject as acceptable.  Sadly any independent introduction to memory was crushed with physical beatings along with the mental smashing of literal shredding of my brain. Read more at file named ‘A Curtain Puller!!’

~added thought~

At the principle (off) sand to the count of the palm social skilled to speak is why society gained.  Now that language shames (the) speak to awe?? No grains from words, people text to cell phones, this world has railed surreal.  With note to brief’s the narrow sentence is still the thoughts of letter’s and truth for the human brain is marching Tweets to the World Wide Web.  The decision of 2016 has become a numbering fight to sort the quick fax.

The mind thus fames what is a grunt of range at the same time the brain is satisfied.  Perhaps found is a connection to basic caveman as the grunt.  The core work is a shrug while missing the eye contact of what is real.  Is this an easy foundation to ignore?? Not as the elephant is still in the room of the sending person’s type to sync that satisfactory of thorough.  Country bread with slides in these blinkers makes the response left to the other end of receipt and or the register of what the original text makes.  The local authorities, i.e. Police Department and or Officer on patrol are marked to transfer of that text by default of a society that is in this reservation of camping out the let tour at an address called as the hash tag is the drug?  First it was the person of a foot walk.  Second the fingers scrabble once a board to actually writing the first sentence.  Thirdly the World has made that living room quick visible to not only those never seen eyes of what are snapping fingers, pointing and wigging, the World has invited such threads that now it is actually trending.  As enhanced and more to increased numbers the branch of the first connect to brain spur has growth of not even pi.  Mathematics’ troubles nothing as the computer being the hand-held ream should have caused ‘a-study-group’ to reach conclusions, yet no note consists much as my comment to my own mother on the day that anti-bacterial soap became popularized.  In that immediate my mother, as her usual love of my chorus to lyrics of shock gave a pause at least, today not a single person even considers the ‘study group’ a contender in society.

Stall Added in text 1 to future edit for book chapter thoughts:

As the bends serve more to the street on states of chaos so does the minds that begin to skill.  At the style of what ancients declared the room for the elephant would spree.  As the furious began to empty their chapter of mind to the harness of brain the effect will lead to great obstruction of growth.  People will supply only the exit ground for more violence, hand and mouth engagements bring nostril flaring. This procession off equipment worldwide ramps to wrath as the churches generally branch to skits and tools forcing the fit from older text to translate to literal modern day warp to afford their anger a status to station the identification of it as a realm.  I am sure that the thumping of biblical parade will venture the wit by a serious recognition of fallacy in staff.  Much to the dismal parent of only knowing the cell phone as what people have taken as active news many orphans will search the shoulders for eyes without fear.  Sadly the day will search blackout to attempt a thimble in the haystack but the hello will be lost on the trace of what was conversation and the read bled nothing but fear.  This country has nothing of chore, it is reactionary now to the snow flake of at tons, an ancient may understand this feathering weigh as in their teaching the actual flutter is the spontaneity that provides the land the vista but the wind is the stork to such crane of its delivery.

Grasping the gaping mouth is as the watch is a critique of history on the churches lathe.  To say that the teaching of my upbringing did not harvest the bale to such crops at the mustard seed would be to stance.  The hours on the pew of my up-bringing fashioned the book of Revelations as my grandmother loved the active endeavor of study haul on humanity, the fervor for such remains in my prowess.  Fed by every active moment of my life to now witness is in turn an odd a see, however I have written in earnest on the internet itself.  There was not a day that passed that I have not heavied my hand to the key board and my google blog ‘The Secret of the Universe is Choice’ but no letter of response ever came.  The media ignored my every pleat just rumbling the hiss of a rattler’s snake as their verse and hand to tremble the public with land.

I worked diligently to warm-up the police departments as my worry for their safety weighed heavily on me.  For the honor of that Officer that did not return to me my life as a child, no, he breathed life into my stifled body of loss as the tumbler of religion has killed my dynamic by suffocation.  To this note, to this day, that Officer encouraged my life in and of itself to more than the death that religion had forged for me.  It is for him I write, for him I regard, for him it has been the honor of my life to endeavor differently than my grandmother, however may her reach grand their life with broader smiles that the care in her sake gave I the courage to walk my pride to work out my proud flesh of carriage to enable no fear and to further a see to proceed to more than the silent life I had once been.

As perhaps the venue of expression has really been a closed affair for I it will be in the adventure of talk to speak the commerce of thousands of grains.  The salt, mustard at a brine’s start to place on word technique in hand wise to how populations have come to disappear.  History loves to delve into the ‘what if’s’ yet reality seems to avoid the vacuum of each piece in those same lives each day.  To grasp this I began at or in my youth to comprehend society in it’s self denial of ready made news just to watch the tick of that same suction as their own pulse.  Strange to Times people have spent many years in and on the turns of whom is what and what is where, even going so-far as to translate the Middle East to the happening in today’s world.  The hovering craft of churches failed to see the obvious as each myth taught in ancient school, growth to creation is evolution on hem to accommodate the bodies needed to foundation so the big days of thermos may divide to logos its exact change in a theme.

Providing the quiet method to each systematic bone is or seams to posture of the shoulder in a type of excuse instead of measuring the movement as ownership of exact transfer to change.  Pulse to reincarnation as a balance in the suggestion and the religion of Christianity will bark horror!!  The funniest and certainly ridiculous rule of their clock to tower is that in their book of revelations said subject is meant to return.  The double-tongue of such a teaching is certain to fail at the dead end of the same strata of sphere.  Equator of thought to logic of reality will journey to this speed of residence at society as soon as the fear frightens people to charge the fashioned address back to the church.  Shrewd conductor to be of nature for this in the Times is indeed an angle that as a watcher I will testify to its dissemination of Latin to English to what is more and more seemingly a new world order on an old executive power.

Division on further structure of such demise is that word to the ankle and parade of Heaven at Hell’s bending cyclone of burns.  For should the overlook have just placed technique of philosophy to study than perhaps being in Hell would have brought more to the executive branch of life as a process, without such people have just embraced killing to save your soul.  These horrific acts continue on as the usual process of less advanced societies, certainly and definable found in god based provinces.  It is not that I do or cannot respect the faith or power of faith and its good, however history proves again and again that there is no peace found as religion only desires war.  The proof found in the dead on this earth will put doubt to no question. 

The year of 2016 
Leads on the year now 2018 and the month of April are a score to my 53rd year on this wise ole price of cost of sanction to the language of comprehension of simply my birth.  Born on the 29th I wild nothing to describe the shore, tested “genius” at such a young age, I was under the age of five and it was the brink of envelope to in addition bravo as I was a prodigy at the birth of my harbor to the City of San Francisco Children’s Hospital on California Street.  My mother blanketed her ride to smiles and delight, for me it ran as the creek to Niagara.  The form of grain gave no pause to my mind as I knew I was born a seer and a sage, oh for the marrow of bone to cross that morsel for on that night of a day in the Sun on this planet called Earth I comprehended only my death feeling the heat of borrowed time.

The perhaps of thought would venture to note now as I said nothing of the known, to I wisdom wore and seeing read I held close that knowledge.  In sport to shorts I said “Self, patience is the better brought and the delighted will know or spend the twine to bale a beautiful Celtic knot”.  Dandy this memory is now for from the ‘To’ is as the water fell to icy slush in the cool spiral of that tangible sharp.

These days on the whence is just a cue.  The spoke is not a wheel other than the traditional vehicle that only the C.H.P. grasps as a cycle.  These edit wisdom and the road to that speed on my speedometer is no mesh, the C.H.P. gave fantastic and lifelong instruction.  The consistency has been a real provide, oh how I yearn to hug the Officer’s in a thank you and just love for the simplicity of communication.  Often a grin moreover a truth the shower of just tar to the gravel shoulder marks no dotted line for the smooth cater is that amazing road with the breeze as it’s sign.

'A Curtain Puller!!'

December 27th, 2015 at 4:27 pm

The desire to become the determined in a life filled with character of said is the start of understanding comprehension of addition to the subtraction of the sleeves that brought slate erasure to life.  As a Human Being born into the human condition within a World of closure has and did deliver a serious port upon the cork of thought to this walk.  People of each surround since my sorting of file memory of past lives to counter have been chalk full of ignorance with the spice only showing denial for new idea’s of forward thinking.  Growth has been banked in vast depths of lies inside the Human Being.  Their constant embrace of mirror has brought to their mortal compass very particular options which in turn for the most had party subject as acceptable.  Sadly any independent introduction to memory was crushed with and along with the mental smashing of literal shredding of the brain.

As to say that their words were or are the knives that cut into the mind’s matter striding to carve with purpose only pain.  The enjoyment that I have witnessed since my birth as people did this to me was baffling in a sense that shook me to silence as a chord to my voice, as the scream of my internal wounds were in supposed not evident to the average soil.  However to I the tell tale sign that Human Beings were and are aware of this obliteration of the human mind is evident through their eyes account.  For as people carve on the sharp detail of fragment their shoulders left with glee on account, their body fills with a leap of lift to further the reaction of your eyes on return.  I found that removal of emotional status gave the remainder of this mathematical calculation less addition to their ownership of the minds corpus.  Learning this technique at an extremely young age enabled me to go much further than many others in earths World of mortal bellows.  The World is plagued currently with rates of suicide and unknown illness which are higher than at any other time in the History of Humanity or Mankind.

December 27, 2015

The torn from to engage thought brought term to my life as the tears of at cycle on this Waltz.  The dance which I have had to encompass as specific instruction to each day as the find upon every minute the hours have included a clock to time the direction naturally.  By storm, by Rivers, by Creeks dry seasons it has been the people in representation to a formula of footprint. 

The shores seam to threads of creased while the hem is stitched by the sides exposure to language.  People drill peoples’ minds with purchase, specifically the screws of skunk the subject to interjection of shovels to dig score person by person; during this Century of Time it was called sharing.  Computers and Technology provided the application for any and all to pass message and video on any said program of parade.  Sadly people or shall I say the masses/populous chose to share by the spreading of horrible texts and scenes to disgrace people on an everyday agenda.

There was conversation of terrible outcomes, i.e. suicides, murders, killings, mass murders, and, massive terrorism that had come to fruition during this time of in and around the entire world.  War has already taken place in the societies courts.  Every country in the world has been infected with sickness.  The people no longer thrived as sides began to be drawn from the highest offices in government elections.  At the moment of now 3:06 PM presidential candidates have brought to the stage of the elections such words that description is a verbal assault to thwart my resistance of recording here on this padded paper of type.

Media all over the world has brought states of total lies to compass distraction as the conscious alternative to the current human condition.  Sadly nobody would correct the fluidity of these terrors, hence this closed venue to put to place my own personal scribbling.  Course on this to maybe one day I will read this back to me as this will just put off in a temporary fluster of the sheer flocking that I witness each day.  People have truly become both cowards and bold about that forwardness.  Fear biters would be a grasp; however it knows fear as sure fire, subject restrictive to the population at hand that calls it ‘freedom of speech’.  Since the aim is to register standing while scarring with deep shreds on the human brain.  The result thus far is a completely numb society.  The News fills its speeches with the grimmest disaster than bounces to the circus of bread.

Theses today based on gathered facts lends to a basis of the pharmaceuticals that are being consumed on an incomprehensible scale by society at-large.  For years I have been personally suspect of the anti-depressants that people are taking like candy store Chicklets.  By not dealing with the depth of situations I believe that the inevitable break from reality to reality will be swelled with tragedy.  As if people are living in a bubble knowing the bubble while strangely speaking has become encouraging others to join the popping of the bubble while blowing new soap.  Oddly this thought is in sentence but I have yet to understand the gravity to this situation as doctors/physicians are still promoting avidly these medications.   The physicians are not saying to take the pills until the pressure has subsided but rather stating that these medications must be taken for life.  What are really terrifying are the side-effects.  The side-effects are in multiples.  The complications alone increase the original problem from one engagement to a speech of both unrelated and related factors; sadly people have sealed this envelope without much thought to these important considerations.  By this means the actual long term effects on the mind have not been studied, this will prove to bring great disaster as it has already begun in America, I stress to believe that this is only in its beginning stages. 

October 27th, 2016

Reading the now what I wrote nearly a year ago is shocking as this is the first attempt I made to read it back to myself.  The situation was so frightening that the very idea of reviewing my own written text gave to much gravity to my mind at the time, and as I am familiar with the depth of my own thoughts to pastel I only brushed the painting to this privately held laptop.  The time between I returned in full to my laptop that is not able to successfully be full-proof to the hackers that insist on breaking into private homes.  These times of horror have not even had a thorough reaction from the public at-large.  The American has accepted the break-in as just happens.  I have even posted on my other computer and to open reads the United States Post Office pdf.pages showing by example that these robberies are truly robbery.  To imagine that people have accepted now that robbery is okay, I choke to know that the mind is of the next parade.

To what I have already written the elections of 2016 became even worse.  The language went to charm bracelets and the people to the band.  Round down that to the accusations of what communication actually consists of and one would know that from the 2015 expression to this 2016 month of October impression is certainly important.  Simply taking the time to record in thorough the scores of the day will prove to be of great foundation to the book ‘The Clause of Mind’.  More on that subject of this treasure as a receipt is that I have a page to continue my thoughts to just place to paper.

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An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

This Is words Washing Machine!!

Image: Archiv des Staatlichen Museums Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oświęcim   Cantore Arithmetic is able to state words world War 2[2] as words equ...

Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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