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My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Nobody Ever Reads This Bark However To Post For Posture Is What Is Called Best Practices!!

Oh for the memory and the fact that I have one,
to the great fantastic of home,
the grace of my mother,
her father so proudly must stand with his wife in the life of where we may not know yet,
how I love the sake.

Touching more than a show house is the betterment of what is a neighborhood,
the fact that love is more to the Avenue than to what is a dollar bill,
for the worth of my mother her training made this day a night,
study is for the books,
lives are for the meeting,
anything in between is a void,
master that saying and proverb it as it represents the song.

So funny the doors at pi,
the number to belief,
a slip of what was told to me by my mother,
people use you,
have that measure and know.

Inches to Feat what is the footprint should not the doors become thresholds of ever in steep,
mountains and countries full to the brim of cup and not a saucer,
advance that to my next life and Fisher comes to method,
how exciting to evolve with nature,
the expectation of love is the gratitude to take my time!!

No Morse Code to say that radar is the value of coins and pocket rice,
wheat sways and corn grows,
the faces of known to the truck and the vehicle,
black and white,
the vice.

Grapes and loins with pants on yet their dressed,
voices that simple gentle to know more than a one word vamp.,
dread not the friend of the mile would have said as the streets are the verbal record,
sweep 'til that becomes the breeze,
as you clatter note to what is a sentence remember the noun,
heck it's just a flipping load.

Chances make the more as Lucky's is the Choice,
secrets are nothing in the bile of vomit that decorates the staffing of liberty to understand statute,
to keep a timing is the rhythm of comprehension and compassion its shoeing,
horse to saddle the bridle to bits puts together peaces,
yet it is the riddle that puzzles man kind.

How must the avenue feel in the silents of what is a tune to singing the verse,
is it the wink to what was,
shall the tunnel only be the boulevard that represents Fresno too,
what of those names that Divisadero to the Fulton,
how shall that Chief feel the stead should our streets name the same,
challenge nothing Chief of Fresno Police Department as the game is no seem,
it is the hem. 

Our connect is no wonder any farther,
this is the fact,
your telephone to my attention spoken through my nightmares,
at that this is just the speak to say,
what is weird,

Your Company is making the Calls and the sound sleep wakes my brain to event,
I feel the travel,
the car to the siren and the travel,
oh for the answer now,
might your Department fair thee well,
might we disconnect Van Ness Avenue too.

S.F.P.D. connect so I may sleep to the posture,
magnet this write to their side,
every corner that I know,
every street that is in name,
bring my mind to the sake of my brain asleep,
envelope my nights to the rest of my life.

To the Chief Jerry Dyer of the Fresno City Police Department,
would love to say hello and wrap my arms around your warm thought of what is one,
yet this is just for the record,
for the dreams and for those nightmares,
it has been twenty years since I have been home,
and I want to connect with my Cops,
lots of love,
care in.

By the way,
I believe that that is why you Cops have codes,
because just imagine being very connected as I,
then waking every time their is a call,
welcome to the machine,
that is me,
no drugs needed,
why you may ask yourself,
well sadly I am a born prodigy genius savant and my mother worked on this problem since I was a kid,
and now I have nobody to talk too.

It's been ten years!!

For loof the old Cops would speak however 51 at the barn said . . .,
so here is a song for your wrap,
love me!!



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Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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