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Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

What Is Prejudice? What Is Bigotry? What Is Defining A Savant Today The 27th Of February 2019? And Yet. . . .

Savant. A savant is someone who is or appears to be exceptionally good at one or a few narrow skills, without having the general intelligence to put that skill to practical use or even understand what one is doing. ... A savant is never a genius, gifted, or prodigy.

Genius, Gifted, Prodigy or Savant? - by Paul Cooijmans...


Savant definition, a person of profound or extensive learning; learned scholar. See more.

Origin of savant

1710–20; < French: man of learning, scholar, old present participle of savoir to know Latin sapere to be wise; see sapient

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 
© Random House, Inc. 2019

February 27th, 2019:
I would like the country, my country, the United States of America to understand how I feel as I suffered a tremendous amount of testing as a child.  The stress and abandonment that followed the results is as easy as saying that it is already written?  The publishing of a post is comprehension at the age of three years old.  https://anindependentmindknotlogic.blogspot.com/2018/06/you-dont-understand-prejudice-and.html

As a last thought to this day of wonderful packing of my belongings to move home I wish to say a piece to a puddle of tears and pain.  Often in the past few years people of the United States of America have spoken of bigotry and prejudice.  This has been the main vein of the heart of this country's talk radio and television, the video clips on Youtube have far surpassed the main vein and been gut wrenching.  To have had witness to all this disorganization I would like to say to each and every one of you, you have no idea what bigotry and prejudice is in reality.  Your premise of dismissal to reality at hand is that you refuse to recognize what is real prejudice and what bigotry does to a human being.

I am the only prodigy that tested genius and was found to be a savant walking the Earth today.  Not one person has said hello or acknowledged one tweet, email and or letter that I have sent.  I have been ostracized in such a manner but because I am a Caucasian/White I can say nothing.  Should I have been any other Race on the face of the Planet the News would have recorded it.

As the only Prodigy, that is a Genius, and has now been saddled with being a Savant I have had my wish come true because I told you.

Thank you  for your attention in this matter of bigotry and prejudice and cruelty against a human as it is not funny and in my life so far all people have done is laugh.  Sadly this has been allowed to happen because I am only one person.

Karen Placek
June 5, 2018
blogspot.com https://anindependentmindknotlogic.blogspot.com/2018/06/you-dont-understand-prejudice-and.html

February 2019: Add.'1

The subject of ‘Care’: The everyday life of an American in the year of 2019 shows that “care” is not part of their existence.  The affair of better than or lesser than is so found by the ignorance that staffs this country, my country, the United States of America in such prevalence as bigots and the prejudice behavior shows around the U.S. in all aspect.  From the housing crisis to the everyday priced items, these indicative stages of humanity in or on human growth are certainly the most painful of paths to have witnessed.  The removal of family from the path of happiness is best served by our government by example as that is the most prevalent road that Americans have allowed to take place in the most recent of years, circa 1970 to 2008.  Now to expound upon that ridiculous measure our country the United States of America now breaks in fathom distances.  Now the families of what are referred to as immigrants are torn from their countries and families.  
The found: Evidence that certainly finds that breaking the American family first gave precedence to the previous history circa 1680s.  What is good for the citizen is better for the exchange.  Is this a “Trade Secret”?  Perhaps it is the human trafficking of the slavery times that brought the African to the Americas as our land was subject to Spain and its prowess for detail.  The 1600s brought to our shores with ships and dockets full to the brim with human beings a people that were foreign to us and yet somehow, someway we are all still trying to work it out today however these people, the African once again suffered the horror of being removed from their families and separated from any and all traditions, ancestors to the hold as my country now their country also had the United States of America that at least held the animal spirit as an accepted belief. 

The relief although circumspect will be communicated through the street level existence of us all, or, and, the tent to tent type of communication or talk in simple conversations.  This loving nature has seen more than I through the rough times and will most certainly see more human beings, us Americans through, as this World is a Planet made of dirt.
The rock that most would believe the core to be formed from is just a distance grip that muck collected around and will bust as the duty of the classic statue, that makes memory the form of simplified.
Dialing for more of care in the ignorance of discrimination is as looking to the waves of the ocean at the Pacific.  My country does not know the Liberty Bell as it cracked leaving only a shell of a bell in a museum, a replica at that and can be seen in Philadelphia however for point of understanding today the Liberty Bell was cast at London's Whitechapel Bell Foundry. 

The only viable bell that would be known to have replaced our Liberty Bell would be found at Wall Street in New York City now.  Twice a day and only Monday thru Friday that bell is rung, and only in announcement of the hours that any well-seated citizen will find to be the “Care times”.
These are not the basic terms of agreement as by instruction of a Chief in Fresno announcing in slow cadence, we have a Constitution.  However is that care?  Or is it just a posture of points?
To fathom:  March to that date and the feeling is of courting a sure thing however is the Constitution a sure thing or is it based on the court of the land, and, if that is the case does that not mean that it is the ‘We the people’ and the posture of the duty to juror, or, is it  just the everyday judgment on the street before you may be heard?  To the hearing there is not a spot of construction that the Liberty Bell demonstrates our ability to at the very least trombone a complaint of prejudice (I keep it at this point of posture as other points pressure the law in or with conditions and I don't like that). It is left for the actual act to inheritance of acting out, what a shame plagues those that have removed the Square for the oath of ignorance to indulge the truth that sampling not caring has destroyed the United States of America in front of the entire world.

Note to honor:  My mother (Died: January 11, 2017) always asked "Where is Liberty?!?"
All the politicians do is fight:  Should the word 'care' been an action would we as Americans not stopped the breaking of families and implemented an emergency order of cadence to revive at the very least our fireplace?  To work for our homes, to engage with our city, to support our Goods and then Trade would have found the legs of balance and the "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door” would have been some sort of lost flux replaced by ‘care’ of the ones that would have inhabited this land with wisdom.  The reason for this determination is simplified as the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.  These words have lifted Americans and yet the actual or the assault of that gift in the Statue of Liberty was lost as that gift came from a country that cared?
This duplex of society in America, or, is it the United States as North Americans in a sort of agreement that measured the care to light the land?  In this life I am meant to be learning to be mean.  This strange stagger caused me to follow particular rules, in other words or plain English or is it American?

I follow the airline instructions by putting my oxygen mask on first and then helping the person closest to me, at least this gave to me the comprehension of more than just a Pilots instruction as it was the standard edition of instructions made by the FAA.  In direction of simplicity it means, I have had to learn to take care of myself first and then aid the person closest to me in order for them to take care of their self.  Is this the care of only two?  This repeated pattern should have brought care to a more bearable agreement as the one by one would have grown to the two by done. 

What is it in this country; my country, the United States of America that care has become just verbiage to say that torture is the outcome?  These plural foundations have delivered a more critical environment as should ‘We the people’ cared than our fellow American would not be without a roof, our fellow American would have had money in their pocket and that is just based on following the airplane rules however should only one be following such easy instructions than what has happened will become the measure.  The horrid advantage taking that has plagued our nation on such a level that “Go Fund Me” pages have taken the nines to the platters and in findings have discovered many Americans taking advantage of other Americans.  This wretched behavior has such a bad effect that now ‘We the people’ have found that silence is no longer silent’s do good, it is become recluses’?  That obvious measure has become evident as the cell phone users have nothing on their mind but the next App. and the outcome of the speed to get another “like” or “share” for their latest rip on whom may or may not bring their five minutes of fame a new term.
There is no good answer as I am living being in a world that does not understand genius.  This world does not understand prodigy.  This world does not understand savant.  This world should understand that I am all three.
What turmoil.
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An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

This Is words Washing Machine!!

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Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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