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Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

What's The Name? 'One Drive Shaft' Because Hell Has Been Used!!

Carousel is a ritual observed in the film Logan's Run, and also in the television series.

What movie minds communicate as the film is just a theater piece that makes the puzzle roof?  Streaming while a movie is playing is an interesting plot.  What would you write?  I am writing what comes to mind, enjoy the read it is all fiction or supposed to be the names of the innocent have been changed?  I will have to include that writing is interesting while the plot is thickening and today is the day that names are just the name of what is understood as the International News on Bloomberg really thickened, their traders or traitors.  Anything real is just real and will remind the average-reader of no more or no less than the old phone number in earlier films when the actor would say “What’s your number?” and the other actor would say “555-1212” and we all knew (it was the 70s) why however it was real as that does represent the actual caliber of representation of our phone numbers accept we usually include the area code too.  

Painted by Luca Signorelli from 1499 to 1503 in the San Brizio Chapel

 Oh well, here goes:

Intro:  The balance of what horror gave left as in the Middle of that time of the Renaissance as the drowning of information was buried with wisdom.  Such glancing leaps of ignorance ran the earth as each social group rose to what is doubt of crisis.  There was no bearing for such as the good library had been completely burned to the ground making it more that a burial, it was cremation.

As the World turned to the societies whom grew to their new knowledge it was the towns and cities that sad sight.  The once vibrant energy that had lit the Countries fell to fireplaces; the embers would not even hold warmth.  Coal was the actual turn yet it became a gold that could no longer sustain the smell of burning flesh.

People all over the World went into a dark state of mind, the outcome now.  Today’s date is not important just the month.  This month is March and the year is 2019.  Funny how time comes to a calendar of numerical pronouncement as not one person says two-thousand nineteen, society now says twenty-nineteen. 

Common place recently is to embrace aliens, the shows riot at night with a fashion of address that make the Dark Ages sound of myth filled with stories of stupidity.  Today the other big thing is the return of something that is called “Ancient Aliens” this is the theorists on television that love to engage some sort of strange replacement of the god thing.  Devils are not really spoken of so I am not up to date on where the devils and demons fall into the theorists story but I am sure that sometime soon the theorists on the show ‘Ancient Aliens’ will align them with the wall.

The wall is a stone structure found in Egypt however our President Trump would like to build here in the United States of America a new one.  I don’t know if it will have any shiny spots with sayings or decor or writings from him personally as the only thing arugued over is the money it would take to construct it, really it's a fence, or at least that is the presidents new explanation of the wall that is not a wall but a border fence or something like that as he is not really clear, he just signs orders all the time.  There called 'Executive Orders' and he signs them with a felt tip pen, weird?  There was a time with the last president when all these pens were on his desk and that was such a big deal that he complained about having to use each of them, strange happenings.  Anyway back to this president and the Peoples Wall, really it was how president won his election, the wall, the wall, build that wall, it went on and on along with lock her up which was another big campaign promise, he sold the voters on locking-up our First Lady from the Clinton Administration.  Back to our president whom has proposed the "Wall" as a border wall that is meant to stop the immigrants from south of our border from just waltzing into the United States.  Those citizens of South America have been flooding the border and it is reported on television to be in droves.

Back to the condition of the World as yet another mass killing took place in New Zealand this week in the month of March 2019.  I lost count of the dead, it was really bad though.  New Zealanders are saying that it is really not a New Zealander thing and that is strange as it was a New Zealander that did it.  I feel bad though as New Zealand has been one of the countries that has not suffered any mass killings.  My country has suffered many of them in the past few years.  The local and national media now report them like there snow storms, another words the media on television and radio report them just like the weather.  It is really sad to see how they skip over the dead and right onto who is running for office.

Most recent news reporting tends to “Who is running for President 2020” instead of 2016 as all the national and local reporters, journalists and other article writers have done is change the year.  These ongoing boring facts are just the lingering limb of branches of repetition as the last election is still not settled.  Some claim that the man that won had stolen the election, reality bit hard on that lady as the F.B.I. came out with a report just before November 3rd and supposedly changed the decision leaving our president named as President Donald J. Trump instead of the expected President Hilary Rodham Clinton.  The entire process hinged on that one report and that is what caused all the most recent problems.  No matter what the big thing for the national media is it is still the same thing that is going to be on the television until the year two-thousand and twenty and the vote is yet once again counted, interrupted or argued.  The word on the national media is that our current president will not be giving up the office.  Now that would be weird.

These days are filled with boring facts to invite all the dirt as that is the entire national and local media harbor however just the other day another tragedy in Nairobi caught my attention and I was trying to find out what had happened so I changed the channel to an overseas channel broadcasting live, Bloomberg T.V.!!  The news was horrific, 12 United Nations Representatives had died on a Boeing Airplane, it crashed with every person on board, 157 Souls lost.  All souls reported dead, I was sick.  I gulped for a moment as the International news kept on and in that moment I heard their newsdesk on Bloomberg T.V. talking about futures.  Futures!!  Sure enough the International channel was trading, trading the futures on not only that airline but boom, yes boom, out of nowhere there was the report for our 2020 campaign.  That was a real blow; it was as if the candidates running for president were slaves.  I thought to myself that human trafficking was done but not according to that report, what a blow, all those lost souls and then the Boeing and then our presidential candidates.

Common place would be to say that quote “What is the World coming to” but that is stupid as the “String Theory” took it’s place too.  Finally that same Bureau of Investigations busted that Dark Ages with more than they could ever know as that one went all the way back to Plato, yes Plato. 

The “String Theory” was an old banter of the people that had money and no brains.  The deal went like this, buy your way into a spot.  No matter the spot it was the basic spot that gave path to the other quoted one “stealing people’s lives” otherwise known as “taking their life”.  Oddly this year 2019 the Federal Bureau of Investigations (The F.B.I.) in the United States broke the first case that has ever been caught in real life, it was really great for those of us that have lost our lives so many times that in my case I just sit at home and watch the television, walk my service dog and try to save enough money to do something else but money is so short that I mostly stay home.  I’m a lucky one though as the word on the street or better put the word on the World is that many are in tent cities, another horrible reality.  Disease has gone rampant, the flu is back up again and ‘Ring and the rosy should be sung soon’.

There is not formidable church presence this time and that is a relief so I don’t have to suffer that smell.  Oh for the Catholics and that stink of incense filled with opium poppy.  I just heard though that because of the New Zealand mass killing that all the Islam Mosques are telling their Christians/Followers to immediately come to their temple and pray, of course following the Catholics is Islam.  Their they go down on their prayers and nose to carpet, big whiff (called a prayer), up they go and boom their now high on the opium rosin called glue, what a nightmare however I guess at least the Islam Christians will be calm as their under some sort of siege from something else called White something, you’ll have to be patient as I did not get that slam in the last news cycle.  Basically it was a white man that did the New Zealand mass killing and some White Nationalist Group took credit which really doesn’t make sense as it was only one man and if a group had done it than wouldn’t New Zealand be screaming?  Oh well, the entire news cycle these days switches worse than I change channels.  

This is just a brief report as I am watching a movie starring Jim Carrey and it is rather different than his usual comedy routine, 'the alley of soft shore storm on the madness of humanity' is what it should be called however the title is: Dark Crimes.

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Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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