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Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Math Solved

February 08, 2018


A line must start with a point
The circle must begin with a point to a line
I'm set at zero, I shift
Infinity is both a sign and a math equation
Pi  π 3.141
Math is Tone.

Today's date is February 10, 2018 time stamped 04:43 AM. This proof is published written and discovered by I, Karen A. Placek, Tiburon, California.  I have not included the equation as my computer keyboard is limited to a restriction of such symbols available and I do not have the ability to photo stock my written proof to this publication however thank you for your attention in this matter and enjoy the proof!!

Sincerely yours,

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Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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