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My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

Monday, October 25, 2021

To Include Bach



Is the mathematics of 'sound equals "echo plus mass" multiplied by that depth to the well the answer to the pi that is three rocks from the sun that delivers earth.  Does this via the Fibonacci Sequence process that pi to answer the find at the distance to discover the explored by the round to the cone of the galaxies.  The fabric being the universe to what is seen in our sky would provide to the exploration of balance as balance remains to the chisel on the wall found worldwide by ancient civilizations that have recorded in generosity i.e. the Mayan, the Aztec, the Egyptian, the Anunaki, the Greek, and most forget the paper(pay per): NASA.

Cantore arithmetic to the written and the square remaining to mc2 remains the "E" to develop Einstein first name Albert to counter the balance at what this device would achieve via the computer to input the physics of already written to text our print in this library of balance.  To engage this math with the written word is the goal as the physics past plus the philosophy past to including the balance of  the sciences that are studying the Nostradamus Effect deliver an algorithm that can be studied on the round as to date these older texts the information did not include the round to the data found.

Mathematics is not french and has remained a language with signs and symbols the recorded importance to open history science.  Standard to study is these long lines of units places the pixel as a pipeline to study the 'Wormhole' to answer probability, this is the shaft to a map that leaves the Lombard Avenue and introduces the chart.  Finding that the number as a zero will increase the Fibonacci as the accountable is left at Ramanujan to what has no name to number and yet provides pi the given throughout our history to understood as 3.141.  Touching sounding this out would provide. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Poet: The Thinker: The Mile: The Blinker!



sound = echo=mass multiplied by depth to well.


The Cone to the round.

The fabric?  Is this the answer to the beam of light as the sun in our distance from the speed to the galactic environment that "The Big Bang" speaks: 

Pi locator?


Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Thin Blue Line: New Mathematics


Cantore mathematics:

Sky north to the sound; as the bay is a component to the oceans mouth the rib is the waterway(s) to the canal in the City by the bay, a measurement to be found on the Golden Gate Bridge; arithmetic to be proof to cause and verb, no translation.

The land(mass) to the successive pull as a flag to the "Vortex" makes a cyclone a tornado and the vortex 'A Sail'.  This component is the reason to cause an action to the ancient maps of this World and the balance of a 'flat world', no: The map is the cause to means of what is the round on the globe: 5th century BC, when it appears in the writings of Greek philosophers

As the world map showed one land mass of continent it is the sky to storm that is of cyclone?  This is conjunction, time lapse unknown and the ice to Core of mass is of subjective mention to study the aspect: The 'Thin blue line'.  I know that the ozone reflects the oceans mile to be increased by mass of oceans depth and that is the mirror of the possible original "Thin Blue Line", atmospheric mass!!

As the storm to the mile on the mountain may prove to be the 'sail' to the vortex it is the mile to the depth on the movement of the original spherical earth.

To engage thought to Peru is the balance of only Earth's mass as the engagement to ocean and river and the salt of only exposure as an exposure-ant.  This process must have a one by one, two by two to understand any mathematics as Fibonacci (Fibonacci number) is an important figure to the basis of 2.1 and that is still unknown to the "conch" (Fibonacci sequence in nature) and the shell: Long before the 'Chicken and the Egg'.

To address not readdress the 'thin blue line' would not be laden at the serve the sky as the mass of atmosphere, as the environment had host to the Egyptian Civilization, Maya Civilization, Aztec Civilization, Greece Civilization, China Civilization, the Viking Age, and, the massive structure, pyramids worldwide, venue to include the mountains by shape not figure: The sway!!

The thin blue line as the atmosphere is to understand the depth and not the mass, as in the ice core effect.  Directions on that is the work that is completed and now the "sediment" of mass (land) is of equation to discuss the nature of the depth to the oceans mile.  On such the depth to the mountain tips is to include the differential as coral, reef, Bermuda traingle and the sandbar.  To touch more is of evidence and the balance at that would have to be of proof to the depth of the atmosphere times the depth of the moons distance to test the tides and the chart of the atmosphereic effect upon the entire point of this post as the wave.

The 'Wave' is upon conversation of the Big Bang:  Is it possible for that to effect our Earth as a world on the round as the equator(girth) is in the Orion on that balance of a teeter totter (see Wikipedia). Does this counter of information effect the magma and does the explosive nature of the volcano itself change the atmospheric absorption balancing a more galactic call?  Is this possible?  Is it P.S.I.?  The said study should be easily accessed through the study of N.A.S.A. and their mapping of the sky and the moon.  

2.1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomy


Thursday, October 7, 2021

Health 'The Miners', The Ozarks, The Appalachian Hello!!


The component (need) to desalination for fresh water out of the oceans mile is to accept that this country, my country has stopped China from the management of those very waters; i.e. the whale.  As whales continue to beach themselves by live carcass the oceans sands are driven to soiled and must continue to process the rock to sea to beach to morgue and that as done is a problem to the atmospheric environment not to mention the fact that there are many whales that have not identified their corpse and do float at the oceans girth.  This over-salted corpse in degree (dinosaurs of the oceans land) will continue as has for the temperature of the planet at it's wealth of water to float.

To know that in San Francisco, California in the 1970s there was work that was completed on desalination and the public at-large stopped the project due to the visual content of the plants themselves.  As I have already completed the altered work and increased the project by the bay located off of San Francisco in an earlier post I retrieve only the worry carried-over from the 1970s for the salted seas across the world/globe.  As the tides are impacting the Moon and have increased the land to dismiss as the flooding brings more to our literal land, i.e. soil it will prove to be an end all for our current crops to table and dismissal of known ground to bale to grind of oats at the silo.  For understanding the further improvement as only the turmoil of the dismissal of desalination I put forth the Miners of the Appalachians as a possible degree to the absorbent quality of their product management to our oceans for the extraction of salt. 

This brief will bring to the Ozarks a work important factory of very important material and with the up to date robotic machinery the risk from the past horrors will prove to increase their bottom line returning the beauty of their mountain ranges to the Bricks and Mortar of our need by only increasing their bottom line known management of their mountains to the retail harbor of our City by the bay, San Francisco!!

This financial boom would bring/deliver a great benefactor to the continued study of salt to water and not water to salt, importance imperative.  To be continued. . . .

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

An Independent Mind, Knot Logic

Word Can you find the body[Body]?

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Karen A. Placek, aka Karen Placek, K.A.P., KAP

My photo
Presents, a Life with a Plan. My name is Karen Anastasia Placek, I am the author of this Google Blog. This is the story of my journey, a quest to understanding more than myself. The title of my first blog delivered more than a million views!! The title is its work as "The Secret of the Universe is Choice!; know decision" will be the next global slogan. Placed on T-shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts, it really doesn't matter, 'cause a picture with my slogan is worth more than a thousand words, it's worth??.......Know Conversation!!!

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